Originally Posted by nrfitchett4
controls aren't responsive, every time you die, you don't restart, you turn "invisible", you can still hear mario jumping, etc. have to push start to get him to reappear.
I would gladly pay for an official mario game that actually works.
Well Nintendo didnt make a SuperMario game so its up to us to fend for ourselves. Its obvious Nintendo doesnt plan to support Windows Mobile. How can you compare me to Nintendo , that has 1000's of employees. What exactly did you expect from 1 person. I only have a few hours a week to make this game , plus Iam self taught, I had no teacher no school I learn what I know on my own time. I did the best I could and the game came out fun. I played the game and maybe if you practice it a little you will get the hang of it and you enjoy it. So instead of jumping on me , try to practice and learn how to play. And remeber all the developers here have jobs and do this for fun. I made this game upon request and put it free for people to enjoy. Sega,Nintendo,Microsoft,and Sony havent really helped us out. So we at pocket pc geeks have to do it on our own and Iam proud of all developers here who help make my phone a joy to use everyday. Dont bash the same people that will help you out, and dont throw big company names who dont even support us. PPC Geeks is the best.
Thank you all for your suggestions and info.