Originally Posted by abrigham
Personally, I don't think WP7S will be an epic failure like a lot of folks here seem to think it will be. I personally am in the process of moving to Android (have my wife on a Hero now and I will be on the Sprint EVO 4G when it comes out) so I don't have any particular interest in it myself...
However, if MS and the hardware developers can position these phones at a price point that is competitive with the iPhone and really push it's ability to integrate with your life (Win7 PCs, XBox 360s, etc), it could prove to be a HUGE bolster for Windows Phones. As it is right now, WinMo only enjoys a small market share and that's mostly in the business community from what I understand. If MS can increase that market share with a more consumer focused OS (just look at the success Win7 has enjoyed) then I say more power to 'em...
For those that want to hack and slash or still need a business focused OS on their smartphone, I've read in a few places that MS still intends to support WinMo 6.5 for some time even after the release of WP7s (can't provide links to back it up, but I'm pretty sure I remember reading that somewhere) so those that need to will still be able to stick with that.
So, again, even though I have no personal interest in it, and I can understand the complaints of many here with regards to many of the changes, I actually think MS is on to something good here and could potentially take away market share from the iPhone.
The problem is M$ put 6.5 in a position where developers see the platform as dieing like adobe and mozilla and others who stopped development half way. This pretty much means its dieing. I don't see what genius in their marketing made the decision to tell everyone its not backwards compatible..
Also for M$ its harder to get market share because they charge for the OS so no matter how much iphone costs wp7 will always be 25$ more..also M$ does not set selling cost, the manufacturers and carriers do.
iPhone also has the advantage because they earn a piece commission of your carrier plan..so they can give iphones out for free if they wanted to.
Also there is android who is paying manufacturers and carriers % of profit to use their phones.
So M$ has its work cut out for them