Originally Posted by krautdog
OK gotta keep this thread goin'...
I have been using the latest Sprint radio, 1.12.34F, for quite some time with no complaints, within reason. I don't really drop any calls, atleast I'm pretty sure that when I do the problem is not on my end. I do not get a good signal at work, but I work inside a "clean" room in a factory, so I don't see that as bad or unreasonable. But out of boredom and just hoping for better I installed the Verizon 1.03.09V radio last night. At first I had no data, but I figured out I had to go into connections and reset the Sprint settings. I must say that so far I am a bit excited - I have full bars of voice and data. When I get back to work tomorrow I will report on my results...that will be the true test of any improvement because like I said I haven't really had any reception issues besides that.
Same here krautdog, I installed the Verizon Radio and havent looked back since. Reception here in Colorado Springs is ridiculous to what I used to get in the mountains.
At one point my Rx Power was at -57 outdoors.
Just sick, battery life is great now. Also I'm on the Psiki Final ROM. Havent crashed yet compared to others I have tried.