Thread: Themes?
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Old 03-29-2010, 08:36 PM
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Re: Themes?

Originally Posted by esco_three View Post
Ok so, I'm still pretty new to Android and have a Samsung Moment.

I successfully rooted last night thanks to the super easy tutorial in the stickied section. Now on to the next one...

Im looking to either add Themes or edit/create. Ive been reading quite a bit (at various sites) but still havent really found any solid tutorials for "noobs", although I dont like to concider myself one. I learn quick and have done many "tweaks" with other devices.

Can someone possibly point me in the right direction?
Alright. Try and make this as easy as possible. I'm assuming you are running a custom kernel with CL14. Zefie, Joey, Speedrabbit, etc. First thing you want to do, is copy some files over to the root of your SD card. The first one is the CL14 Template, and the other will be your theme of choice.
Here is the link for the CL14 Template:

1. Ok, now that you have the files on your SD you want to turn off the phone, and reboot it into recovery mode by holding down the Volume down, call, and end buttons. Next you will go to Data Options and click "Clear Dalvik Cache" then press the Home key to clear it.
After that is complete press your back arrow to return to the main recovery screen.

2. Next you will press "Apply Zip From SD"
This will bring up a list of .zip files on your SD. You will want to choose the Then press your Home button to install. After this is done, press 'reboot phone'. Let it reboot into Android, and then you want to turn it off again, and reboot into recovery. (Booting into Android may not be needed, but i have run into problems with the next steps when i didn't do it)

3. When you are back in recovery you want to clear the dalvik cache again as you did in step 1. Then press back to go to the main menu.

4. Click on "Apply Zip From SD" and choose your theme file that you have on there. Then click Home to install. After the install is complete, reboot, and you will have your theme.

Make sure you clear the Dalvik Cache every time before applying a different theme, if not it might cause problems with certain things. You shouldn't have to apply the Template again, just install the new theme over the old one.

My favorite theme, and the one i'm currently using is called Gator Boots by Burst. Here is a link to that file:

Here is the Theme File section over at SDX. This is where you will find the majority of themes. The guy Burst over there does some amazing work.

Last edited by SAShady; 03-29-2010 at 08:38 PM.
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