I installed this the day it was released and I was coming from the fresh 1.1 rom. I had PRI of 1.70_003.
I did not have access to the protected apps from the market. I tried installing MarketEnabler 3.0.8 and that Didn't work. I was browsing the thread over at XDA and found these instructions.
Originally Posted by Tikerz
This is what I did to get protected apps:
1. Nandroid backup DCv2.0r2.
2. Wipe and flash DC1.0.
3. Upon boot up, sign in to Google, go to Marketplace and download a few protected apps. I downloaded Google Goggles, Twidroid, and ShopSaavy.
4. Wipe and restore Nandroid of DCv2.0r2. Upon boot up it started to download and install those 3 apps automatically. I let that finish. When I started Marketplace and went to Downloads it showed them, but not as Installed. So I downloaded them again and installed them over. After I did that the Marketplace was good.
This worked for me.
Maybe this will help someone else instead of having to wade through the 2400 posts at XDA.