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Old 03-29-2010, 10:50 AM
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Re: A Google Maps Question

Well, when I do Menu->My Location it centers around my dot, but the map still doesn't follow, I find myself looking down to the dot on one end of the map. I figured that should do it because that's the way it always used to work for me.

So it seems just MY Hero doesn't work right haha. I am rooted running Fresh 1.1, but far as I remember the stock ROM with the stock Gmaps app didn't work for me either.

I've been to lazy to flash over a new ROM but I guess in light of this issue being just with me, I'll have to get on the latest Damage ROM. I'm just leary about not being able to handle MMS with Handcent but oh well.
PPC-6600->Palm Treo 650->PPC-6700->Touch Pro->HTC Hero.
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