Originally Posted by bignadad
Thanks for Link....i guess i really just wanted to explain how i was doing it and see if there was an alternative...
To organize start menu i am doing the following
opening app.dat of each package and renaming folder where shortcut is going...
then editing the initflashfiles.dat to edit the rest of start menu shortcuts.
So that get them in the right place
But now i need to skin them
here is what i did.... made a cab file with all my pngs going to windows/big/ directory... it also have regedits at localmachine....security....shell...start...
all the start menu shortcuts are there and it has a reg entry to tell it where the png is.....
so i have changed all entries to point to my new folder windows/big...
i added that cab i created to the package when building
BUT some of the icons reverted back to original..checked the regedits and they reverted back as well.. not all, but some..
i assumed that something installed after my cab and messed me up....
2 Questions?
can i do this a different way easier?
can i install my cab when the phone it customizing for first time?
Any help is greatly appreciated...
You can move everthing with an post xml in the cab and you can also delete the originals with the same post xml. Throw your cab into a ext and throw it in config_operator.txt and it will run first boot.
The only issue is when something is in the xml and has been removed from the kitchen, ie you stopped using something. It'll throw an error.