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Old 01-23-2008, 11:36 PM
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Originally Posted by ChristianProgrammer View Post
No Need to poke pointy sticks at the dude... this flashing and unlocking and RUU's and mtty's and exit bootloaders can be overwhelming,,, even for a few of us "IT pros"... its this cool little itty bitty computer thing that were trying to squeeze hacked OS's into with our customizations n stuff .......

so unless your already ...I dunno writing WM6 apps and have written WM5 apps and are really familiar with PPC this process is REALLY strange....
I agree it can be strange and overwhelming...and I don't claim to fully understand it myself. HOWEVER, I originally suggested that he look for information about the unlocker in the sticky threads. Try looking at the forum index, find the sticky threads...I know he can, because he posted here, in one of those sticky threads...there are seven threads there; one is this one; one is called "Sticky: Titan Flashing for Dummies - a very basic guide" which in its first post will direct him to another of the sticky threads, which could also be accessed directly from the index, "Sticky: Hard-SPL - Flashing ROMs - Titan Unlocker - Click Here!" So two out of the six sticky threads, (not counting this one), would have given him what he needed.

His response, however, was to ask me whether he should search for "custom ROM unlockers" or "unlockers".

I was not and am not trying to insult anybody; but custom ROM flashing may not be for everyone, and it seems that there are very many posts asking for help, or emergency help, due to people attempting it when they don't even know why they think they need a custom ROM.

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