Originally Posted by itster
when was the last time you witnessed a microsoft phone that had less features than everyone else?
they have always had more till this day. by the time wp7 comes out it will have more than anyone else.
it's the MS way, they always trump everyone else
Ahm..most US windows mobile phones were made by HTC and HTC used the WORST features it could to keep bare minimum...
while I am happy that HTC did actually give us winmo phones they are the cheapest when dealing with hardware including to cheap to pay 5$ per device for hardware acceleration or using minimum ram or using a processor that is over 3 years old when many new better alternatives existed.
Samsung gave a phone or 2 but they were for verizon. Otherwise winmo has been known for giving the worst features on the market which is why M$ failed in the mobile market..they did not stand behind any of their products at all. Google doesn't even profit from sale of android and they stand behind it.
As for WP7 having best features is impossible..only the snapdragon is authorized to be used on for WP7...which most phones now are coming out with. There is the snapdragon2 which would "maybe" put it ahead which msot likely they won't use and Samsung already announced an Android phone with a processor better then the snapdragon2 called Galaxy S..so M$ will be playing catchup hardware wise anyways.