Originally Posted by firegeek
Password... What?
WTF? Be nice Naigaboy.
This used to be a happy community of people helping people. What gives?
It downloaded fine, moved it to RUU folder, no password needed. I don't get it. Granted it was 1am PST when i did it.
Who knows, thanks for the slap upside the head.
Its not a slap upside the head. Its just the truth. The rom is a test rom for certain ppl to test with, hence y it was passworded. Just because you have never seen me post anything in Titan forum doesnt mean I do not have an idea of what is going on here. I am a world of help for those who actually know me. (guess i will stop toothing my own horn here). I can vouch that the new rom (verizon rom) in cols folder is completely different from the rom back 12/28 which was actually a sprint rom. so if u flashed both, there is something obviously wrong there.
Before anybody tries to PM me for the password, the ppl that were needed to test it have already been given the password and new roms will be released soon for some carriers. Please dont ask for when either. We are working hard to accommodate as many carriers as possible.
BTW, just to prove it was passworded, i wonder y this thread was started.
Again, firegeek not trying to down you or anything as such. It was just that you commented on a rom that you didnt flash and thats how wrong information spreads. I would never have even bothered posting if not for that.