Originally Posted by Wideawake
lol just publicly post my idea :P jk I was thinking of borrowing the idea from nandroid Thanks for suggestion!
RE: Auto .nbh file extraction..... Since I don't have a laptop or desktop pc, I have successfully 'SD Flashed" about 8 times so far - completely PC-less and THANKS TO YOUr appl! Having searched for many roms, i can tell you that the rom file and compression method vary widely... the rom might be an .exe extracted by pockrtRar, or the original d/l file might be a zipped up .exe (2 layers of extraction), others use the 7zip format (WinRar for the PC is allegedly able to read this type.. dunno - I do know that PocketRar (ver 3.93) wouldn't for me. In short - the function of auto-extracting 'RUU_signed.nbh' could be a bit daunting. Just thought I'd throw that out there since your original Q: was somrthing like "would [auto-extraction] confuse NooBies".
I keep the Roms on my SD card right off the root (e.g. Storage Card/ROMS/[RomDeveloper(i.e. Mighty)]/LatestRom.exe,OtherRom.exe
As is the case with some Music Players that follow a strict hierarchy (music/artist/album/song1,song2), your programming may take-on a similar face in order to produce results across multiusers.
Anyway... Keep up the great work!