Re: Photo Management on VZ Omnia II
Thanks for the response. I took a look at Resco Photo Manager and will give it a try and will also change my camera storage location to the Storage Card. At least then from the Mac I will only have to make the USB connection once to move the pics from DCIM to a folder that I want to name myself. From what I read of Resco Photo Man I still can't make a folder called say Photos on the Storage card and then load sub folders of pics within it and have that recognized as a tree structure of folders by Resco PM.
Sometimes the simple, straightforward things are the hardest to do in WM. Why in the world would anyone want to manage images from rss feeds on a daily basis through the only Photo gallery app suppled with an O2? Maybe one in a while, sure I can see that but to make it a standard part of the gallery display is beyond stupid IMHO. Now I am beginning to remember why I left WM devices.
Thanks again for your help.