Originally Posted by johnbrain
Wirelessly posted (XV6975 Opera/9.50 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en))
will data connection still require manual configuration for vzw? I tried 1.1 yesterday and could not hold a 3g connection fire any period of time prompting my return to Project Orange.
Im uploading 1.3...you may need to enter the username and password for the connection "Verizon Wireless", after that you may not have any problems with the data connection, please notice that i do have cooked in "Auto Disconect" after 60 seconds... so the connection will auto disconnect after 60 seconds if not used....
You can change the seconds to whatever you want by changing the following registry:
parm name="CacheTime" datatype="integer" value="60"
60 means 60 seconds.... change to whatever you like... dont forget to reset the phone after changing the registry...
Please post feedback after testing 1.3.. Thank you very much...