I am having the same problem after being sent to this page by Might Mike's thread:
I'm a complete newb and have never tried to install a cab, let alone unlock a phone, until this week.
Keep in mind, this is my private internet connection and computer that no one has access to but me.
When I tried to run the "HArd SPL" unlocker it fails, claims I've unlocked multiple phones, and then prompts me for a donation here:
I've got no problem supporting developers, especially if I keep Windows Mobile and keep this TP2 unlocked.
But whatsup with using a false claim that I've unlocked a phone before to try to get me to pay?
Frankly, I'm only trying Might Mike's ROM as a last attempt before I flush windows mobile down the toilet after five years.
Can somone provide a fix to use this unlocker or a link to another?