Originally Posted by gTen
Do you see the full 4gb space total or only 0.5gb?
you can do recovery for flash media using the below software its free and I used it to recover images my brother deleted from the camera..it recovers media files mostly though which seems to be what you want to recover)
Note: when recovering make sure to put it on a hd disk and not back on the flash media
+1 to this.
Also, +1 to a backup every now and then.
SD Cards are pretty safe really, sometimes they do "fail" but you can usually recover the files (which only takes some time to do).
I had this happen to me once in the years I've had a couple sd cards in multiple sizes for my music/programs/data/etc.
Also, it's not a bad idea to backup other data period. Electronics are known to just fail randomly...it's just the way it is.
I personally took all data off of my card and store it on my phone that my phone accesses alot...for example backgrounds, ringtones, etc.
I have a backup on my sdcard, and a exe that I personally built to restore all my data upon a new ROM flash. The cards (and harddrives/flashdrives period) do have a limited amount of times you can read/write to the cards.
Some are higher than others and some are to the point that the space will just become so outdated that you'll upgrade it before it reaches that limit.