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Old 01-23-2008, 04:13 PM
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Originally Posted by noclue View Post
lol yeah cause i have no clue about this i got the clock done, the battery done, the icontacts works, the MnM dialpad works, but i cant get the "sent message" box to work, and i have no clue what to do with the pool lol.....
(what to do you have to when you feel like going back to the orginal programs??)

Install the No Sent Message .cab and then soft reset. If that doesn't do it, to check your programs. Go Start-->Settings. Hit the System tab at the bottom and then go down to remove programs (this is also where you remove whatever you installed, just know that some might require a soft reset before they are completely un-installed). See if the NoSentMessage hack is in the list. If not, than it didn't take and you need to install it again. You need to install it to your phone btw, not your storage card.

As for the PagePool. I would recommend you get a little more experience with your device before you try that. It isn't the most newbie-friendly of hacks/mods. However, you can try it if you want. The directions on how to do it are posted in the first post of this thread. Just don't blame me if you do something wrong and brick your device lol.
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