Originally Posted by chris1683
First off I would like to thank those who have had good things to say about the rom. I appreciate the good feedback and to those who have donated I give many thanks. Now...in reference to the above comment:
1. If you don't like the rom, plain and simple...don't use it.
2. If you are going to make a critique on any rom, try to use for more than 10 minutes before coming to any conclusions and posting your feedback. (If you didn't know that the Outlook icon was a folder, than you obviously have not spent enough time using the stock rom either as it is a folder in the stock rom as well.)
3. Stating the update is only a "slight" improvement or that the two roms are "no different" is an understatement and merely your opinion and we all know what opinions are like..... I would recommend you flash back to the stock rom and see how well it works out for you whe you use Internet Sharing, Wi-Fi Router, HTC Task Manager, Facebook Albums, Start Menu, and numerous other changes abd updates which have been made just not published in the changelog.
I enjoy sharing my work with everyone which is not an obligation but rather a choice to benefit those people who do not cook roms or know how to make changes to their phones. From time to time, many people forget to simply "appreciate" something which they have gotten for nothing as clearly reflected by the above statement.
@ edufur: When you create a rom and post it, I will be glad to test it out for you.
Well said Chris. I agree with you 100%. I have nothing but positive things to say about this rom. As far as it being a "slight improvement" over stock rom, that could not be a more false statement. My phone is so much more responsive since loading your rom and the pic below is from sending multiple texts all day, browsing the web, taking pics and listening to a bit of music with the phone off the charger since this morning. Check out the percentage of battery I have left. You would NEVER get this type of free memory on a stock rom. I've used it and I would have 30-40 mbs free with no 3rd party apps. I have a few 3rd party apps on my phone now but this rom is so nice out the box that I don't need all that. Once again Chris thanks for all your hard work and dedication to your craft. I am going to flash this rom on 4 of my other friends' phone in the near future. Keep up the good work and thanks again.