Guys, I was running Stock 6.5 Sprint and I decided to go back to my beloved EnergyRom. I loaded the 21895 version of the march 26 copy. Everything is as expected, just pure Energy Godness. I have one tiny bitty issue which I cannot seem to figure out and it may be something that just Opera 10 cannot do or does not do.
Anyways, when using Stock 6.5 Sprint you could load on Opera 9.7 the Favorite websites on the main web tab like the same way that the favorite contacts would. The thing is that a preview of the website showed up even without clicking the icon of the specific favorite for whatever website I choose to put there. Now on the energy rom 21895 march 26 I load the favorite websites that I want like Engadget, Gizmodo and there is no preview of the site just a dark color looking globe with the name that I specify for it.
Is this a thing that Opera 9.7 can do and Opera 10 cannot do ?
Anyways of making this happen ? Just want my favorite people tab and web tab to show the preview of people and website the same way. Example ==>
Thanks in advance.