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Old 03-27-2010, 10:08 AM
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Re: did a hard reset, now all the apps and transformers are gone!

Cant say 100% for certain as each region can do different things, but to charge more for credit challenged folks is absolute bull. The carriers have "Deposits" for that sort of problem, once that deposit is paid or taken care of the retailer does not care one way or another.

Employee had no idea how to run the P.O.S. and didn't add the rebates, made up some bull excuse to shut you up.

Management is trying this approach to make more bottom line sales in his store (which is idiotic as he will be charged back for ringing up the sale wrong to prevent such issues)

Some states (like Cali) charge you sales tax on the ENTIRE phone. So yes you're buying a phone for 149.99, but you pay tax on that 799.99$ retail value. (That is not no 100$ though)

There is the most minute of minimal chances your region has different prices. (So very very unlikely)
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