Originally Posted by variance
getting so ****ing sick and tired of all the SMS/MMS issues
PIMbackup is ****ing worthless.
whenever it restores your messages you can't reply to anything worth a damn.
God. **** windows messenger, and HTC messaging for using different formats or storage methods or indexing methods orw hatever the **** that makes it impossible for me to ****ing flash to a new nrg rom without throwing away 6 hours of my life.
Just updated from Feb 22nd or 26th. 215892 w/ htc messaging (forget) and am having a ****ing bitch with restoring my messages.
This new messenger in these newer roms is becoming a deal breaker for me. HTC messaging doesn't work well with it sending messages as images. and I can't find working arcsoft either.
Humm, ever think of NOT FLASHING? Stick with one ROM if you have stuff that is that important.