Originally Posted by tspnews
It could be the provisioning files with the custom roms. I noticed that there was a new provisioning system in the new nrgroms and so far the 2 times I have used it after a flash MMS is working.
After a sunday of a million flashes I don't have the ambition to flash an old rom to see if mms works with the new provisioning files
... but if anyone is still having problems I would suggest at least trying the energy verizon provisioning file
I pulled it from the latest rom and attached it here ... (I hope thats ok?)
I have used the file on multiple ROM's that we made by other chefs so I don't -think- there is anthing specific to nrg roms but .. use at your own risk :P
Anyone tried this yet? I'm going to re-flash and see what happens. I tried to make an EXT out if it, but it didnt want to take.