Originally Posted by behrozrahmani
3. is there a way of making the phone lock when pressing the power button or when the phone goes into sleep mode...right know I can only make it to work when adding password which is annoying
First, this is not the thread for questions like this. But since everyone is ignoring the rules...
On WM 6.5: Go to: Settings Tab -> All Settings -> Personal -> Buttons -> then look at the tabs on the bottom. Go to End Key, and you can select "Lock device" under "Automatically execute the selected action:"
Then you can hold down the End key for 2 seconds before pressing the power button. I know this isn't
exactly what you wanted, but this at least doesn't require the password.
You can also download the Rhodium Keyboard Controller
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=554240 . With this, you can assign virtually any function to any key or combination of keys. Us your imagination and search the forums to see how this can help you chose a convenient way to lock your phone. I'm sure there's a way to make your phone go to sleep and lock with just pressing the power button once, although you'll have to figure out how...