Originally Posted by mlin
Ok, I'll look through the thread and your files to find the cab. Also, I rarely use IE6, but there are times when Opera incompletely downloads files (it says its downloaded a 4.6MB file but in the FE it shows up as something like 28kb). When this happens, I turn to IE6 to download...
I should have the cabs cleaned up soon for the updater as it's a rats nest in the thread right now. You could use skyfire to download the file with as an alternative to opera.
Originally Posted by 123sit
dibbs any idea why none of my boot animations work? they all just show the static image that would display after the animation.
Could be due to me changing the boot sequence by removing some startup items so the rom boots quicker without you having to do the alignment and date screen. I'll take a look at it though.
Originally Posted by PropagandaX
LOL I hate IE, its obsolutely useless. Opera is the best browser out there with skyfire as a distant second IMO (flash needs). BTY opera 10 is out of beta now I think, have you looked into using that?
Yeh, i'm looking at it now, not the highest on the priority list though, as i have a huge project i'm working on for work that i have to have done by sunday. If i get it done though, i have an unexpected series of updates i'm gonna drop that will change the roms a little.