Originally Posted by Roguefoxx
Well I ran into a couple hickups with the 6.1 rom I was running so I did a flash of your 6.5 rom from the second post.
First of all it seems to run great! A couple things I did notice though were that the Pictures titanium tab always reads "No Photos", so that doesn't seem to work. Also, the Camera link from the My Pictures directory doesn't work as well. When you click it nothing happens. The Camera softkey as well as the camera link from the Menu softkey within the My Pictures directory don't work either.
I'll keep playing with it and report back. I do like how minimal it is so I can add my own cabs and make it just the way I like. Thanks.
Yeah I can confirm the camera isn't loading like it should in the pictures/video app. I'll look into that.
The titanium tab for photos only show photos in the My Pictures folder in main storage or the sd card I believe. I've never had an issue with that not working.