Really I don't know if I would want caller id on my bluetooth headset. How would you see it????? Perhaps something software wise that if a number called you, it would say the voice tag you gave it when it rang the phone. That seems more suitable than the id.
I can see the commercial now for CID headsets. You are driving down the road carefree with your headset on. Listening to music, watching traffic and both hands on the wheel. Suddenly, your phone rings. No worries, you now have caller id on your headset. You are glad that your friend Jimmy rode along. You lean over and ask him to look at your ear, so you know who is calling. He tells you its that new hot girl you met at the club last weekend. You answer. Life couldn't be an easier. All this convenience for the small price of $189.99. Manufacturer's disclaimer: Friend not included.
How in the Hades would you see the CID if it was in your ear?