03-26-2010, 02:07 PM
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Exigent Circumstance
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Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
Originally Posted by fishingmedic
Originally Posted by buggerritt
Before I drilled. I took the cover off/put tape on the phone/marked horizontally, on the tape, where the hole should go/measured up and made note to where the hole goes vertically/put cover back on/made mark with sharpie/took cover off and drilled by turning bit with fingers. It looks and works like it was meant to be there, OEM.
Guys that's wayyyyyy too much work, I took a freaking hacksaw and just took off about a 3/4 inch long piece of the side of the casing, it don't look like it was meant to be missing, but it's functional as all hell, I can even change my sd card now without removing the back!!!!  j/k guys....
Its kindof sounds like good idea..full access to sd and softreset..giving that hacksaw thing a shot tonite..soon as i get a back up battery door..
PPC: T-Mobile's G2x // LG-P999 [unlocked & rooted] + CyanogenMod 7.2
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