Originally Posted by detroit_doug
well here is my take on the 60662 PRL and battery life
have been off the cable and strictly on battery since 8AM and its 10PM as I write this - 14hrs
with that, Im running Plutonium SPCS_V1 (flash, 1st configure then hard reset 1st configure then data transfer and email/app setup) with all basic defaults plus 4 email and 1 outlook (no cable so not synching the outlook) and the 4 emails accounts are checking on 15 min refreshes with none of my usual reg alterations and additions nor any backlight changes or power saving alterations
moderate internet(webbrowsing, facebook, etc), minor texting through the whole day, watched a TV show from the SD card and gamed a bit on it
currently sitting at 77% battery life after 14hrs
not saying the increased polling doesnt have its effect as I do believe it does, but Im not sure the polling is doing all that much as it is to destroy the battery life as a whole in of itself
so 60662 PRL doesnt seem that bad by default as it is and kudos to you Vin on a very stable, fast ROM
BTW, I am going to leave it off the cradle for 24 hrs to see what I have come 8AM tomorrow
from what it looks like, i think i can pull close to 40-48 hrs on a single charge with around 1-1.5 hrs of browsing per day with texting.
i'm running around 60% with 1.5hrs of browsing, texting, email every 15 mins, weather every 3 hrs. that like around 22-24 hrs of charger
keep in mind, i change to older PRL