Originally Posted by polargoat
so how is the rom running for everyone that has flashed it? Any minor/major bugs with it or is it runnin slick so far? Give us some feedback. I'm downloading it now and will flash it tomorrow unless there are any major bugs posted by tomorrow.
Thank you blee0125 for your work, its much appreciated.
Peace Polar
Polar mentioned a good idea in a PM actually. I don't know if it'll be this way in the future but I know for now since my code is based off the MDN, I guess you guys could send me your MDN's in advance to get your serials before you flash just in case I'm not on when you flash.
There shouldn't be any MAJOR bugs. I ran it on both Sprint and cricKet for about 3 days apiece at 16MB pagepool with numerous combinations of apps and didn't find myself soft resetting a lot. My wife is running it on her Touch right now as well. Sprint Powerdeck in PIE seems to not recognize the phone anymore though and Client Initiated IOTA seems to fail although EvDO, MMS, and PIE all work fine for me.
::EDIT:: Do you guys use Sprint programs much..I'm referring to things like Sprint TV, Mobile Email, OZ IM in particular. Also, don't know if you noticed but I set up something in the kitchen called "Generic Autorun." Basically you can drag whatever cabs you want in there, write your own config.txt and run that instead of the default Sprint or Alltel autoruns. You can they select that OEM in conjunction with the Sprint/Alltel carrier customize which handles your IOTA and WAP/MMS settings.