Thread: Lotus Notes
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Old 01-22-2008, 10:57 PM
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For syncing contacts you could use an Outlook to Domino connector but when I tried it, it was a little buggy..... luckily I just put all of my contacts in Outlook.

If you Domino server has IMAP enabled (and the port is open in the firewall and your mail file is IMAP enabled also), you can sync your mail between pocket outlook and Lotus Notes (it will keep track of folder moves, etc). Keep in mind that it is not push... you'd have to configure your phone to check for mail every x minutes.

I've been meaning to set mine up and try it but I've been lazy... I currently just have a rule for my mail file to forward my messages to, and retrieve those messages every 10 minutes, and I set my reply-to address to be my lotus notes address. It works for what I need it for.

Others on the forum use mNotes... search the forum for Lotus Notes and it's there.

I guess this is sort of a 'from-my-experience for-what-it's-worth" reply.

Good luck.