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Old 03-25-2010, 11:22 AM
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Re: Sprint HTC Evo 4G

@BooDaddy >>

If a new plan would cost you another $25/mo, that would be $300/year or $600 over a 2 year contract. If the Evo is worth an additional $300.00 per year (and maybe more, depending on what the cost increase is regarding a plan change,) to own, go for it
For me, no device is worth an additional increase of $100's of dollars per year to own.
A one time additional cost, maybe, but not a re-occurring cost.
I have 2 lines, and I pay $107 per month w/TEP. A change of plans would cost me an additional $90/month, or $1080 per year. The answer is obvious regarding a switch.
My Mom only uses 50 minutes a month. Sprint should make an allowance regarding this, if they are going to force me to switch plans.
As I said, my Diamond is pretty good, and I have a spare just in case. Btw, that spare was used the other week, and I received a replacement under TEP.
Sprint HTC Diamond
Stock ROM v2.00.651.7
Stock Radio v1.11.00F
And a few registry tweaks

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security"
-Ben Franklin

Last edited by Biker1; 03-26-2010 at 12:57 AM.
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