whitestonew-hardspl - Bloodhound.W32.EP ??
Has anyone else seen alert messages from their antivirus re HardSPL?
I'm thinking this is a false positive because I have Hueristic sensitivity set pretty high on my antivirus (Norton Internet Security 2010). I downloaded HardSPL twice and saved it to a directory intending to use it later and it has been found and deleted each time by Norton's idletime scan. I know this developer is held in very high esteem and has an excellent rep so it seems very unlikely that there would be a virus in the file.
Here's the log info:
Bloodhound.W32.EP detected
On computer as of
3/13/2010 at 5:18:18 AM
Last Used:
3/25/2010 at 1:16:56 AM
Startup Item: No
Launched: No
Many Users
Hundreds of users in the Norton Community have used this file.
This file risk is high.
Threat Details
Detection of a potential threat based on its behavior.
Downloaded from Not Available
URL Not Available
File Actions
[Contained in] d:\htc\imagio\roms\whitestonew-hardspl_v1_99r1_100hspl.zip
File Thumbprint:
8739c76e681f900923b900c9df0ef75cf421d39cabb54650c4 b9ad19b6a76d85
I know the instructions mentioned that an antivirus flag may occur during installation, but as mentioned, this was just sitting in a folder until I had time to install it.
Anyone else seen any 'false positives' with this file?