Originally Posted by twe90kid
download 60659 PRL here http://cid-eabe29f3770d8d15.skydrive...x/.Public/PRLs
then follow instructions to get your MSL: http://www.ppcgeeks.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87414
then go to start, tools, Ninja PRL... enter your MSL and edit your PRL by browsing to the file. make sure you unzip the PRL file that you downloaded
this is the time to use the tools included in vin's roms.
- go to start menu
- then go to tools
- then launch Ninja EPST
- then hit view
- it would load bunch of values.
- hit menu and select prl.
- new values should load and it will tell you which PRL your running.
from initial test, i found that PRL is the killer. the new sprint rom should give you the new radio and the newest PRL 60662. this PRL is definitely no good. btw, you can use old PRL with new radio, this doesn't really matter. if you want to know more:
Much appreciated. I did notice an increase in mA use like I said, but that was just using matt monitor, as I used to be able to get down to 23 mA on Mr. X's 2.5 ROM and when I flashed the new radio on his ROM it increased, not drastically, but it did increase it. I just assumed it was polling the towers, etc and if that was the case, then it prob is due to the PRL. I'll follow your instructions above and try downgrading the PRL as I've never tried it before. I'll let you know how it goes and thanks much for the info (and yes I hit thanks for you bro!!)