Originally Posted by Alpine-
Regarding the behavior of weather, I've noticed that the weather status on the Home Tab (under clock) never updates itself until you manually view the Dedicated Weather Tab and it updates itself. Then, the weather on the Home Tab also updates. I'm assuming this is normal behavior (but I cant remember?). It would be nice if the weather on the home tab updated itself at the interval you specified regardless of if you manually flip over to the weather tab or not. Isnt that the whole point of placing it on the main page, so you can see current conditions without flipping to the weather tab? is this normal?
So is this normal behavior for Sense 2.5?
Possible bugs?
[1]] In addition, anyone else notice right after a soft reset they have two (2) blinking text cursors (the flashing "|" symbol) when typing a text message with the hardware keyboard? Eventually, after Ive opened and closed text a few times I noticed it went away and was back to normal. I soft reset again and I had 2 cursors once I started constructing a text again? Anyone else notice this after clean.cab? I have no other mods/tweaks relating to input/sms or anything.
[2] Today when I was typing a SMS txt I had it open (HTC's skinned one, not WM native), landscape with kb open, backspaced to clear text and decided not to send another message. I clicked "back" and simultaneously slid keyboard in to put it away and it killed SenseUI. I was just starring at a blank Home Screen but everything else was fine/working. I checked memory and it was much lower which makes me think SenseUI just got unloaded. Has anyone experienced this? I haven't seemed to be able to replicate it.