Originally Posted by 6700noobie
I just can't give my soul and info to google, but this phone looks like it'll be awesome. Any chance someone in XDA or here would try to shoehorn winmo6.5.3 into the Evo? Winmo with all it's UI flaws, still is the best/only free from Google shackles phone that's available and still be able to use my winmo apps.
Man....if they made a winmo phone out of this thing, I'd be on it and drop SERO if I had to. I'm still on my Apache b/c I've been waiting for my dream phone to come out. My wife has the mogul, which is ok. Just haven't had the urge to shell out $600 bucks on a phone when I know something more than marginally better is coming out.
It will be a violation of licensing to do that...aka illegal...your still on an Apache though? get a TP2 at least >.>..winmo 6.5 is dead so unlikely much will come out with it..I hear an LG phone is coming with it and thats about it.