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Old 03-24-2010, 06:16 PM
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Smile Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Originally Posted by wherestheanykey View Post
What have you done so far to fix it, any cabs installed or reg edits?

All you really need to do is three reg edits, with no cabs required if you like.

1. Go to [HKLM\Services\CMGuardian]
create a new DWORD Value called "Flags" and set the value data to "4"
(if it is already there then skip)

2. Reboot

3. Go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing]
and delete the "isext.dll" entry

4. Go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing\settings]
and change "ForceCellConnection" from "PhoneAsModem" to "Sprint"

(please omit the "" in all of these entries)

You should now be able to use ICS, but make sure your data connection is already intialized prior to using (open a web browser of check your mail) or you may be asked for a user name and password. I have my email checking every 5 minutes so it is never an issue for me.

I was using Calkulin's WM 6.5 Tethering, it didn't work. then I grab mightymike's fix from 6.1 ... still not working

and then I found a post from xda, tried, still ...... grrrr

but, i didn't think about this orginal method ...... grrr (okie, I've been lazy lately ....)

so, anyway, its working now and thank you =D>

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