Originally Posted by dibbson
yeah, it's not just you. I think i'm going to use 47 for the release, i've been having some buggyness with 49. I had one SOD after 2 days, and some random manila weirdness. So i'm going to use 47, also using it for fim as I'm adding the facebook manila tab for this release. Just finished testing it actually, and seems to be working ok. For the status updates to work properly you'll need to have updates enabled in the people tab as that's where it pulls the update data from. The tab is somewhat limited at the moment but works well. I have a couple more things i'm going to do, but release could be tonight.
You. Are. The. Man. yeah fim worked on 47 for me perfectly. Also the Call History Tab works on your rom great. I also found a Comm Manager with colors that shows bluetooth status correctly and wifirouter works with it. I'll post those cabs if anyone is interested.