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Old 03-24-2010, 04:30 PM
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Re: Sprint HTC Evo 4G

Originally Posted by samshady View Post
Thank-you for the correction if that is the case. I used the Hero as an example of one of Sprints newer phones. I have seen people denied the Touch pro 2 on SERO by one rep but after arguing getting it on. I hadn't seen where they had gone to those lengths to keep the HERO off of SERO. It boils down to unlimited internet with SERO is the same internet you get with "anything data" and its the carriers way of forcing you off of a very inexpensive plan and to another one.
Yeh there was a lot of misconceptions..many reps thought that SERO could not have any type of PDA/ first sprint at the time named specific phones like Palm Pre, Instinct, Hero..but then decided to make it OS Web OS, Instinct brands, and Android is a no no for SERO. They completely blocked off the ESN in their its not like Android doesn't work, Sprint's system just won't accept the ESN for SERO.

That is why the hope is the N1 may be able to get "around" it because Google would do the activations...odds are against it but there is a possibility.
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