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Old 03-24-2010, 04:13 PM
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Re: Android/Linux for CDMA Touch Pro 2 Rhodium Updated 3-23-2010

Originally Posted by 00_MACKIE_00 View Post
Not sure how Android could mess up WM.......
It's not messing with WinMo, it's messing with the hardware itself. Meaning it doesn't work in Android or WinMo

Originally Posted by dem0n2001 View Post
my question is ..i always hear how people say haret knocks WM out of memory ..if thats true then why do you have to do the backlight "hack" or how come in the early days you had to call in WM and then run haret.. if its knocking it out none of those things should matter
Because WinMo is currently using the hardware, so it looks different then when things are disabled/enabled. Kind of like how in the earlier builds, you needed to make a phone call before booting, or else the ear piece wouldn't work. It was a cheap trick so that Android could realize some hardware was there