Originally Posted by wherestheanykey
Amen to that man!
Here is a step closer. In each of the areas where you made the initial reg edit to be 31 for AvailableOptions. There is also a string with value name "Duration", go back and set all of these to 1 and it blinks for only 1 minute. If you try setting it to zero it goes to No Limit so that doesn't help. Not sure if anyone knows of a data value we could use that would equal None or not, but that would be a big help.
anykey - I originally went through all of the "AvailableOptions" strings that had a DWORD value of 9 and changed them all to 15 (as per something I read elsewhere on ppcgeeks). Should I change those to 31 instead? Should I change them all to 31, regardless of what the initial value was? What other options am I unlocking by changing to 31 instead of 15?
And thanks for the duration string tip!