Work In Progress & Known Issues (03/24/2010)
Here's an update on what I'm working on for future releases:
- Unhide "Display" tab in Lock options for Windows Classic lock (Done... Ready for next release!)
- Text Messaging "Unread Messages" Fix (Done... Ready for next release!)
- Improved Start Menu Icons and Sorting (Done... Ready for next release!)
- Facebook Linking Fix (Done... Ready for next release!)
- Provide LED Notifications Fix (Tweaks Issue) (In progress!)
- Improve Multi-Select Mode in File Explorer (if possible)(Stock Issue)
- Provide "Classic" Start Menu supplement (if possible)(Stock Issue)
- Provide "Auto Lock" supplement (if possible)(WinMo Issue)
- Provide "Power & Backlight" Fix (no2chem applet issue)
I'm gonna finish up the LED Notifications Fix (the ability to properly enable/disable the LED flashing) before I go to bed, test tomorrow, and still on track for the release tomorrow evening.
Items 6-8 are more "long term" improvements... if anyone has recommendations, I welcome them.
For Item 9, a quick search hasn't revealed any updated version that is stable (translation: doesn't lock up on OK press) on WM6.5, so unless someone can point me in the right direction on it, I'm just going to remove the control panel applet until a better version is available. This does NOT affect the 1% battery driver, which I can confirm is NOT a source of battery drain. I can give about a dozen explanations on other things that may, but it is definitely not.