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Old 03-23-2010, 10:58 PM
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Re: Sprint HTC EVO....S*ck it iPhone

Originally Posted by MightyMike View Post
why does everyone feel the need to give the finger to iphone? iphone users have been ENJOYING their phone for years, while your still waiting for a device that isn't even out yet!


Had to get that off my chest

Carry on!
It's because we're angry. Very angry.

We're sick and tired of everyone with an iPhone automatically being cooler than us just because people know what an iPhone is. We are tired of hearing "is that an iPhone?" whenever we pull out our phones, and we are tired of the blank stares we get when we say "no its the HTC Touch Pro 2" (or whatever ridiculously long name that requires at least one mid-sentence inhalation we respond with). We are tired of attempting to explain what windows mobile is, or what android is. But most of all, we are tired of being the minority. We are tired of being in the uncool group even though we are much, MUCH more bad ass than all of those silly iphone users.

It's time for us to rise up and take a stand... we need to make sure that people know, but more importantly.... UNDERSTAND... that WE, the non iPhone users are LIKE, TOTALLY WAY MORE COOLER THAN YOU!

We demand proper recognition for the amount of money that we've paid for our phones. We want our pat on the back... and we want it NOW!

Last edited by fuuup; 03-23-2010 at 11:00 PM.
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