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Old 03-23-2010, 10:12 PM
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Re: ¤ FusionROM ¤ Windows Phone ¤ WM6.5 ¤ Sense 2.5 ¤ 03.24.10 ¤

Originally Posted by CoryNat View Post
You are fast brother. What was the problem? Downloading now.

Some of the regedits that I included had a conflict with the driver for the SD card... they weren't part of the provisioning cab but they are set to be applied after provisioning takes place

Thanks for catching that. Granted I didn't get to clean up post 1 and update the change log due to this issue but hell at least we have SD access. I noticed it too while at work but I've been having issues with my SD card lately so I figured it finally killed itself, but it's all good now.

I'm gonna need to get some server space... Megaupload is alright but it took me as long to upload the rom as it did to fix and build it!
If somehow I've helped you... please hit thanks!
HTC Evo 4G | Rom: CM7 + 4G + HDMwIn | Kernel: CM7
By no means is it required, but if you appreciate my work feel free to buy me a beer

Last edited by fusion; 03-23-2010 at 10:15 PM.
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