Originally Posted by biggdevon
Any way to get more then a 1 word suggestion?
"SuggWords" value="1"
I think I set the value to 0 or 1 because I hate the feature, but you can bump it up to 4 or 5.
Originally Posted by i_m_jughead
+1 for FB contacts not updating after hardreset + cleanup cab for Sprint 6.5
Working on it for next release.
Originally Posted by hayes_guziejka
If you removed "MUSIC" how do you play songs that where downloaded? I usually play it from the main screen.
You do, I hope, realize that directories can be specified and/or recreated at any time, right?
Originally Posted by lifeuw19
I really appreciate the help and effort you put into these. I just can't remember how I removed it last time. Is there any chance you can tell me how to manually remove it, throught a reg edit possibly?
There is a link in the original post (Note #4) that tells you what you'd need to know to build your own customized version of the package. You can remove the battery files and Wei Enterprises registry keys.
Originally Posted by RSD
With the Verizon Tweaks installed last night, I took the phone of the charger last night after it was fully charged at 11:26pm. Now (1:39pm on Tuesday) it is at 32% after 1 hour 32 minutes of talk time and no syncing! I used to be left with at least 60% by end of day after couple of hours of talking time and about 3-4 hours of device usage time.
Could be a number of factors, and you're the only Verizon user I've heard from so far. I'll ask my Mom is she's had problems with her Verizon version since I installed it on hers too.
Originally Posted by tuxmask
Are these the xml codes needed to get tethering to work with internet sharing?
<characteristic type="HKLM\Comm\InternetSharing\Settings">
<noparm name="ForceCellConnection" />
<characteristic type="HKLM\Comm\InternetSharing\Settings">
<parm name="ForceCellConnection" value="Sprint" datatype="string" />
<characteristic type="HKLM\Comm\InternetSharing">
<parm name="Extension" value="" datatype="string" />
<characteristic type="HKLM\Services\CMGuaridan">
<parm name="Flags" value="4" datatype="integer" />
<characteristic type="HKLM\Services\CMGuardian">
<parm name="Flags" value="4" datatype="integer" />
Make sure you grab the file operation section to remove the "\Windows\Startup" shortcuts, but yes.
Another new bug on the Sprint version... looks like the "unread/read" text messages bug still exists, so I'm gonna test it out with the HTMLNOTE.DLL fix from WM6.1. Am building a new package tonight with a handful of fixes, will test it at work tomorrow and post if it's good once I get home.