Originally Posted by turin39789
I'd had trouble getting it to work on 6.1 before, got it going now with the latest instructions.
Still dissapointed in the audio quality and the fit and finish, lag between songs, tiny menus, thumbs up/down cut off at the bottom of the screen
Suppose I was hoping we might someday get an official Pandora client
They officially denounced Windows Mobile as a dead platform during an email correspondence with my press contacts. They are gung-ho about Windows Phone 7 (in fact, a Pandora app was shown at the press release), but ended support for the classic WinMo we know (and love) with the vogue version we have now.
Yes, the fonts and menus are tiny, but that is because they were designed for less than 1/4 of the screen resolution we have. Also, the app uses mp3 encoding to stream instead of the far-superior-at-lower-bitrate AAC. That's why the sound is lower fidelity. AAC uses more CPU power and mp3 was easier to develop for at the time. If they were to re-write the app now, it would look/sound better, but this is how it looked/sounded then. And so it shall remain, unless we switch to another OS. Sorry to be the downer.