Guys, ad on engadget shows sprints new baby as coming summer 2010. the ad lists alot of features.
edit: news article
late may release??
free 4g?
9:35AM "It's like standard def versus high def, but with that analogy, you paid more for the better service. With 4G, we're giving you more for free."
convo with sprint rep:
Agent (Denita S.): "I understand. I apologize however at this time we do not have a release date for when the Sprint evo 4g will be released. Also we do not have the cost associated with this. You will receive an update on your account when this can be added."
Agent (Denita S.): "Thank you. Just wanted to clarify because the 4g connection card plans are currently available. This device is not available at this time. Tentatively the device is scheduled to be released around June or July, Summer 2010. At this time we do not have a cost for the device"
Agent (Denita S.): "It will be compatible with the Everything data plans, and the Simply Everything plans."