Originally Posted by Adrianh85
Ok Check this out!!
After installing BG4ALL(2_5_2012TEST2) , Co0kie.HomeTab_v1.6.1 , and CHTEditor.v1.6.1 i have seen minor to no slow down!! the only place i have seen slow down was during the startup while the weather animations are running!!
I too can vouch for the performance. With the BG4All and Co0kie Home Tab + Editors installed, I saw no noticeable slow down except for a slight lag when the animations are running.
I read somewhere about a complaint that says Co0kie Home Tab slows things down when you fill the majority of the home tab shortcuts on the three pages of links. Apparently the slow down is pretty minimal and occurs upon the initial caching of the icons, but I can't attest to that. I only have the first page of links filled and it's still very snappy.