Originally Posted by cflynt
Not as concerned bout the cleanliness, that is just the nature of forums. But more concerned about the information in the first few posts. I know MrPippy won't ever have time to keep things updates, there are lots of spin-off threads, which are perfectly fine as well. I figured just a thread that the first few posts can be updated from and attempt to keep links from some of the spin-off threads for the extra information.
You will never get a thread that is not going to have repeated questions. That is just how it goes heh. Just inquiring if you guys wanted a fresh start or just to leave it how it is.
I'd prefer for the thread to be organized like the rom threads where the first 3 or so posts are info about the project then the pages after are Q/A types of things. Seems to be easiest to keep up with releases that way. I feel like without checking the thread a few times a day I'm missing a lot here.