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Old 03-23-2010, 11:40 AM
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Re: put Windows phone7 interface on your phone now for vga and wvga

I'm not a Mod by any means, but Dude, you just don't get it. It wasn't the fact that you posted it here, but the way it was posted. You linked to a forum, and not even thread specific, with less than two dozen members, and never mentioned the original source site or creator of the file. Sorry, that comes across as kind of....can't find the word I'm looking for...but it was wrong. If memory serves me, you had people bashing you in the game forums here too.

Look at the way you post. If you had said, "Hey look what I found over at XDA, it's really cool and Jaxbot did a bang-up job, but I also posted it here in case you don't want to register at XDA..." that would have been completely different and you probably would have hade ten people thanking you for your post.

Get it? Again, not bashing you or back-seat modding, just trying to help you. You seem like you want to honestly contribute.
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