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Old 03-23-2010, 09:43 AM
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Re: ¨¨U ¨UWindows Phone0…3¨U ¨USense UI¨U

Originally Posted by amcq10 View Post
that's the location feature of CDMA. it's defaulted to e911 only.. have to go to:

start : settings : personal: phone: cdma services: location settings.. then hit Get Settings

if you change this to 'Location On' , that circle with line though it on the phone screen will change to a normal GPS looking icon.

in this day and age of assisted gps, and quick gps.. I'm not really sure what this buys you.. I know in my pre-winmo days.. this setting was required for the VzW navigator and other gps-related apps to function properly..
Ah okay...thanks for the info.

By the way, after a soft reset it shows with a line through it. Then going through the settings for location, it is already checked to be on. Returning to the phone, the line is gone without doing anything.....weird.

Also, automatic prepend seemed to turn itself back on after the reset. Went to turn it off, and it was already off, but still adds the 1 before the phone number....also weird.