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Old 01-21-2008, 07:26 PM
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I wonder if this thing has a reminder notification. Back in the days of the pager, when you got a page and didn't acknowledge it, the pager would sound a reminder beep every two minutes. That way, if you weren't near your pager when you got the message, you should get it the next time you walk by it.

This helps if I leave my phone on the dresser during the evening or weekend. If I get a call or text message, there will be a two minute reminder to let me know that I missed it.

On a similar note, is there a way to set the ringtone to vibe automatically when I'm asleep? Sometimes I forget to set the ringer to vibe before going to bed. I heard that this phone can do this, as well as switch to vibe when I'm in a meeting. Can this be done?